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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Blogging Tips for Beginners...

Posted by  on 29th Dec 2012 Blogging 3 comments
Millions of blogs are started every day, which means there are millions of new bloggers who a starting out from ground zero every month.
We all started out somewhere. Imagine if we knew then what we know today?
In this post I’m going to run through five quick, yet effective tips for any beginning bloggers out there.

Blog Questions and AnswersTake it One Day at a Time…

There are many reasons why people start a blog of their own. Hopefully it’s because they have an interest in something and not looking to make a quick buck, but many are looking for quick gains.
One of the best ways to find failure in the blogging, is by trying to do too much too fast. Don’t try and rush through setting your blog up, adding content and bringing in a ton of backlinks, it just doesn’t work that way.

Blogging is a Slow Process…

Yes, blogging is a very slow process… which is why you need to take it one day at a time.
In the beginning days, weeks or even months of your blog you will be writing for yourself. However this won’t be forever.
Every blog has to start out somewhere and as you build up your content and links over time, more people will find your old content that you first started blogging with.

Content & Monetization is Key…

It doesn’t matter if you are blogging for fun or for profit, you should always keep quality in mind.
If you are going to blog for profit, then it will really be a key factor into your business model.
The content you write will play a big part in how you monetize your site and brand down the road.
Blog montization can be anything from banner advertising, paid reviews, Google Adsense and affiliate marketing just to name a few. Keep these monetization methods in the back of your mind when first starting out your blog.

It’s All About the Brand…

Throw the content and monetization out the window for a moment and just think about your brand.
Before you go crazy thinking about how you can make money with your blog, think about how you want others to portray your brand.
Blogging is a very slow process but if you still with it you will have thousands of posts and a very powerful brand in the years to come.
Don’t sacrifice your blog content for a few dollars now and have a bad reputation or brand down the road.

Slow & Steady Wins the Blogging Game…

No one said blogging was easy. Sure, it’s cheap and quick to setup a blog, but actually finding success is where all of the time and work comes in.
The best advice we can give you is to stick with it and stay active in the blogging community.
Guest blog on other sites, keep working on your writing and focus on your quality and content.
The rest is history. Write for your readers, not for the search engines or money.

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