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Friday, July 6, 2012

STI College – Baliuag Sports Fest 2012

by: dagger

An emergency meeting was raised by the academe calling all faculty staff to anchor an event that has been puzzling all students if we will have it or not…

The bottom-line of the meeting is to hold a Sports fest 2012 with only a week of preparation. They gave the task to the troubleshooter of such emergency event who can stand all odds to meet the deadline.

The night before the said event, still all are wondering if the event will be pushed towards the goal or just be postponed or rather be cancelled. 

So this is it… The strong faith of the academe will make all these possible. Early morning of January 25, 2012 even if plans were not cleared, it was decided STI Sports fest 2012 will take its course!!!! The motorcade started painting the town of Baliuag with blazing blue and yellow colors. The routes to trail were rough along the way but the motorcade managed to end and reached the STI’s ground again. 

DAY ONE begun with only half of the total population of the school has made it. Coaching, yelling and cheering their colors. Some lost the game and waiting to take a second chance, a grinning faces for those who grabbed the prize. Fun was extended even to social network. It rapidly grows and fired up so much excitement.

It is so amazing that an event though not properly organized, planned and executed will turn out to be an effective tool for camaraderie, fountain of self esteem and sportsmanship. Opinions maybe raised but at the end of the day respect, trust and a well rounded personality stand out that strengthens the bond and will make us realize that we are part in building a strong family that we offer to our dear Alma Mater.

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